Equipment for at Home Workouts
Dear Slate Family, I hope everyone is staying healthy. For once there is no chalk to vacuum up at the gym and oddly, I hate
Mandatory Shutdown
Slate Family, We regret to inform you Gov. Inslee has issued a mandatory shut down. There will be no classes held at Slate and zero
A. Every 2 mins for 14mins: Snatch l.l B. 3rds NFT: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats 15 V-ups 10 Ring Dips
A. Back Squats 4×4 B. AMRAP 10 10 Pullups 10 BBJO (20) *Every min 10 airsquats
A. Push Jerk 4×4 B. 3 rds for time: 15/10 HR Pushups 10 OH Lunge Right Arm (50/35) 10 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) 10 OH
A. Back Squats 4×4 B. AMRAP 15 400m Run Max T2B *Drop from bar you run **Score is total T2B
A. Every 2 mins for 14 mins: Clean l.l B. EMOM 9 Min 1- 2 Rope Climbs Min 2- 25 Situps Min 3- 10 Box
Wednesday.1.15.2020 5&6am Cancelled!!
A. Every 2 mins for 12 Mins: Power Snatch l.l.l B. AMRAP 7 15/10 Cal Row/Bike/Ski 15 OHS (95/65)
Winter Weather Schedule Change
Due to the current forecast we will be cancelling the Wednesday, January 15th 5am and 6am class. We apologize for the inconvenience.